Logo of the University of Passau



Name Phone Email address Room
Fedtke, Jörg, Prof. Dr. +49(0)851/509-3470 Joerg.Fedtke@uni-passau.de JUR 313


Name Phone Email address Room
Albert, Elke +49(0)851/509-5010 elke.albert@uni-passau.de JUR 312

Academic staff

Name Phone Email address Room
Karsunke, Simon +49(0)851/509-3475 simon.karsunke@uni-passau.de JUR 305
Schleichardt, Chiara +49(0)851/509-3472 chiara.schleichardt@uni-passau.de JUR 305
Taylor, Kendall +49(0)851/509-3477 Kendall.Taylor@uni-passau.de JUR 005

Student Assistants

Name Phone Email address Room
Brackmann, Fynn brackm03@ads.uni-passau.de

More links (2)

Prof. Dr. Jörg Fedtke



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